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We need your help right now to translate these works in close interaction with modern scientists, philosophers, and spiritual practitioners. Please donate whatever you can afford to enable us to train and support translators into all languages, in order to make the voices of the great teachers of the Dalai Lama heard around the world. We are translating these scientific classics not only into English, but also into Chinese, Russian, German, Spanish, Japanese, Vietnamese, Korean, French, Portuguese, Hindi and other Indic languages, Hebrew and Arabic, Turkish, Swahili - in fact into any language for which we can find train and engage translators. We are publishing the results as books, and eventually everything will be available on the NET, which will then become truly a “jewel net of Indra!”
Millions have already been spent over half a century in the gradual effort to educate the translators, gather all the texts in the three or four key languages and make them electronically available. Important works have been translated and published here and there, and many people have already benefited from their study. Now the times demand an accelerated effort, crowd-sourced and crowd-funded. Every person’s contribution is essential, everyone will be a part of re-discovering this Jewel-Treasure Ocean and making it serve its purpose again today! The world is grateful for your visionary gift!
AIBS is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization. Meaning that any donations made to The American Institute of Buddhist Studies, Inc. can be claimed as tax deductions.
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